Sunday, August 9, 2015

La color 30 color eye shadow palette

 hey boo's I'm back again sorry for the wait but im here with the La color 30 eye shadow palette and this is so by far my favorite palette by them that ive tried even with my other color palette.. this palette is so bold and beautiful in the color i mean the color on the palette before touching it is how they come out on ur eyes and last a long time as always with la colors there just such a amazing company and my fav. besides shany. i know you cant really tell from my pictures and i apologize again for the look my camera did not like me tonight but this is a awesome palette the item number is 74205 and its called in the moment.... please please boo's go out or order online and get this palette....until next post keep looking fly and beautiful..kisses

top half of the swatches sorry for the camera
bottom part of the palette once again sorry for the camera 

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