Saturday, May 9, 2015

NKD SKN tanning moisturizer and mousse

  Hey Boo's im back with the necked skin self tanning moisturizer and tenting mousse.... and i have to say for me never doing the whole self tanning thing because of the whole turning orange and fake looking i tried both and love this although im still in the process of the mousse got it on now i love how it don't look fake and orange and makes your skin soft and lovely as far as the moisturizer i love although i did do a big no no and that is i already have some color to me and not white as a ghost it didn't change as fast at my bestie at lipsticks and Labradors (blogger as well) i added another coat and the next morning lets just say was very very dark and to much so lady just do one coat then the next day if needed or wanted do another but i have nothing bad to say i love it so 10 stars in my rating love you kisses..... so until next time stay reading 

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