Friday, November 27, 2015

Shany cosmetics stamping paltes

 Hey Boo's im back with the amazing product by Shany Cosmetics. Witch is the nail art stamping plates. and i have to say that im so in love with these plates that i use them all the time. there is 25 different plates and each plate has 5-15 different designs on them. with each one with all types of styles and tastes for everyone. there is even a Christmas plate for the holidays in here then some for everyday styles like all animal print witch y'all know is my fav. there is french Mani. style as well animals, stars, abstract and then
some. it is really easy to use as well as it comes inside a little box for storing if you don't have the plate book things. this is one of the best plates you can get so please go out and get this really cheep to only $15 for 25 you cant beat that boo's until next time kisses.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

plexus slim (pink drink)

Hey boo's so im back with product and info from plexus (what i spoke about for my sister) im their newest ambassador yeyyy and user of the pink drink and i must say that im extremely happy so here is some info for just the plexus slim. and before i get on that i must say that this product from day one i felt a huge difference in my energy, i was always tired by 2 3 in the afternoon time and still had alot to do in a days time and since ive been drinking this amazing drink all that has changed as well as i really don't wanna eat as much. so here is my research.
My product research!!!!
I get a lot of questions about the Plexus products that I use, mainly what's in it and how does it work. Here is the label of ingredients for Plexus Slim, a drink taken 30 minutes before a meal once a day. It was designed for diabetics and is touted as "the most natural way to lose weight". I'm sharing my own research on each ingredient. Not copied from anyone else.
*Chromium (polynicotinate)- An essential trace mineral required for the regulation of blood sugar. Helps stabilize blood sugar and controls cholesterol and insulin. Essential for energy. Polynicotinate is the most absorbed form of chromium.
*Green coffee bean extract (chlorogenic acid)- Unroasted coffee beans are loaded with antioxidants like chlorogenic acid. Lowers cholesterol, blood sugar and triglyceride levels. Reduces the absorption of carbs in the GI tract and reduces fat absorbed by food.
*Garcinia cambogia- A plant found in Asia. Natural serotonin booster. The skin contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which aids in weight loss, decreases belly fat and suppresses appetite.
*Alphalipoic acid- An antioxidant made by the body and found in all cells. Attacks free radicals that harm organs and tissue. Regenerates other antioxidants in the body. Protects brain and nerve tissue.
*Polydextrose- A fiber-like form of glucose that partially ferments in the large intestine, leading to the growth of favorable microflora. Has same qualities of fiber but with no laxative-like effects.
*Citric Acid- A weak, organic acid that occurs naturally in citrus. Used for natural flavor.
*Stevia- A plant used abundantly in Brazil and paraguay as a no calorie sweetener. The safest, most natural no calorie sweetener.
*Lou han guo extract- The fruit of siritia grosvenori. A medicinal herb with a sweet flavor and used as a no-calorie sweetener.
*Guar gum- Derived from the Indian guar bean. Lowers cholesterol and glucose levels
*Silicon dioxide- A trace mineral found in all rocks and sand. 90% of earth is silica. An inactive ingredient used for its absorbing, non clumping properties.
That's it. Nothing artificial. Everything is non gmo


Thursday, November 19, 2015


hey boo's so to talk in all for realness im here today with not a nail post or make up but im here to share with you about your health. My sister in law has  bring a lot to my attention and she is a  ambassador with a   amazing company free from animal testing, no chemicals all natural products that help you in so many ways. healthy living, weight loss natural and healthy mind you if you have any problems with anything listed below. and so much more i would love you to hit her up she has a Facebook page living in pink and i am here just to get the word out on how amazing these products are there is more info there as well as she will kindly inform you on your questions or worries beauty is also meaning taking care of yourself in side and out not just you looks PLEASE GO AND LIKE HER PAGE AND AS ANYTHING YOU NEED.... until till next time boo's stay beautiful as well as healthy kisses.

low/high blood pressure? uncontrollable blood sugar? feeling tired? suffering from depression, anxiety, constant pain associated with MS, Fibromyalgia, migraines, suffering from candida yeast over growth? these are just a few things that plexus products have the potential to help with.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

La colors High shine lip gloss

Hey boo's I'm back with another product by my favorite la colors and this lip gloss with Shea Butter is so smooth on your lips it wonderful to wear fun bold and beautiful it is by far my favorite lip gloss and I'm sure you will love it to please boo's test it out until next time kisses